Tonka is a Russian tortoise and has captured my heart. He arrived at 10:15, enjoyed a nice soak and was eating dandelions and clover an hour later. He has yet to hide and is apparently pretty happy ramming around his cage and checking out his rocks and dishes. I don't know his age as I adopted a WC but his good muscle tone and sturdy claws make me think he's a fairly young adult. I didn't weigh or measure him yet but he looks a little shy of 5" total carapace length.
What a happy day! I've wanted a turtle or tortoise for as long as I can remember but wanted to wait until I lived in an area with plenty of chemical-free areas for harvesting forage. If today is a fair indicator I'll be plucking a fair lot of plants.
I look forward to him settling in so that I can annoy him by taking a thousand pictures.