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Old 06-13-02, 04:19 PM   #1
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silly Questions (need answers!)

I was just wondering, about a few things that have to do with me new Babay Boa.

1) should I put more vent holes in her blue tub container? right now I have 6 on the long sides and 3 on the short sides should I put in more?

2) when should I feed her? she just passed a bowel movement yesterday(it was huge) should I wait a full two weeks? or should I throw in a live(or Dead) pinkie and see what she dose?

~life is like a big toilet and guess what your in it!~
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Old 06-13-02, 05:06 PM   #2
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Feeder her every 7 days, a nice size meal! is offline  
Old 06-13-02, 05:39 PM   #3
Darren Hamill
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(1) The amount of holes you have sounds good. How large is the container though?

(2) Now that she's had a bowl movement you can safely feed her again. Neonate BCI grow at a moderate rate of speed when fed a appropriately sized food item every 6-8 days... Most people feed every 7 days to make it the same day of the week.

Pinkie rats are by far to small unless the BCI has just been born. I start off my neonates on frozen thawed fuzzy rats and progress from there. Try not to feed live from the very start. It will make the change over to frozen thawed or pre-killed much easier.
Darren Hamill
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Old 06-13-02, 05:41 PM   #4
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1) How big is the container? How big are the holes?

2) Two weeks is too long, you should feed your baby boa every 5-7 days.
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Old 06-13-02, 10:12 PM   #5
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okay the holes are the normal size of a drill about half the size of a dime maybe more.

and she's only 3 months old, and I just got her not even 2 weeks ago, do you still think I should feed her?

her skin is starting to wrinkle around her head and when she curls (and its not normal wrinkles) do young snakes loose more weight when stressed and with out food then adults? I know shes clean I've had her check just yesterday and it came out clear for worms and parasites. I've never owned a snake as young as she is! so I'm alittle frighten I'll do somthing wrong. do they Know what water looks like, could she be dehydrated? she has a full bowl of water, but I've never seen her drink or soak in it?

god I sound like I've never owned a snake before!

Oh ya her conatiner is about 10 liters. not to big or small.

thanks Grace.
~life is like a big toilet and guess what your in it!~
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Old 06-13-02, 10:28 PM   #6
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Baby Boa,s

Ive had a few baby boa,s over the years and ive had the same thing i just damped the substrate a little asumeing your not useing news paper that is. That solved my dehydrateing problem if its had a bowel movement try a feeding to.
If her eye's are clouding over it may be heading for a shed but you likely already know this .
Im by no means a pro herper but these things have worked for me in the past with great results.
Best of luck
Have a good one
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Old 06-14-02, 05:06 AM   #7
Darren Hamill
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Sounds good Grace.

I would continue feeding him with regular intervals. The wrinkled skin is nothing to worry about. Some neonates look like that when very young and slowly fill out in time. As long as he's fead well and has ample clean water then I wouldn't worry. Neonate BCI are very hardy.
Darren Hamill
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