okay the holes are the normal size of a drill about half the size of a dime maybe more.
and she's only 3 months old, and I just got her not even 2 weeks ago, do you still think I should feed her?
her skin is starting to wrinkle around her head and when she curls (and its not normal wrinkles) do young snakes loose more weight when stressed and with out food then adults? I know shes clean I've had her check just yesterday and it came out clear for worms and parasites. I've never owned a snake as young as she is! so I'm alittle frighten I'll do somthing wrong. do they Know what water looks like, could she be dehydrated? she has a full bowl of water, but I've never seen her drink or soak in it?
god I sound like I've never owned a snake before!
Oh ya her conatiner is about 10 liters. not to big or small.
thanks Grace.
~life is like a big toilet and guess what your in it!~