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Old 04-21-03, 06:08 PM   #1
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Reddish Bump

There's a few reddish spots on my albino Calif. Kingsnake's body, and one is actually a small bump. I know that with albino's you can see every little scratch they get but can bumps and bruises and such swell up to make a bump or is it something else? She is perfectly healthy to my knowledge and eating like a champ. I think that these bumps/scratches are from the climbing branch in her cage. I suppose I will take it out if I continue to see this on my snake. Do you think it's just a bump or is it something serious that a vet needs to look at? I have a REALLY crappy pic of the largest bump on her body. Your opinions are needed guys!!!
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Old 04-21-03, 08:31 PM   #2
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I'd say take her to a vet JUST TO BE SURE. If it's just small bruises then at least your sure of it, if it's something more and you wait...
I know you said you know a good reptile vet. Let him answer your questions on this one.
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Old 04-21-03, 09:46 PM   #3
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Suppose i'll give him a call and ask his opinion before I spend any money. Has angel ever had anything like this Tim?
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Old 04-22-03, 02:33 PM   #4
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She has had fatty lumps, but not red ones. They seem to come and go. Usually with her feeding cycles. They actually only started showing up when she went on her fast last year. She must've been a little chubby and lost some fat, but retained a little here and there. Fat should be soft, not like a bump. You can see red veins under her scales if she's coiled up. But it looks alot different then what I can see in the pic.
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Old 04-22-03, 02:36 PM   #5
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I think it looks odd. I would be nervous, so I would probably take her to the vet. But I dunno....I mean it could be nothing or it could be something. If its something I have nothing to offer that matches it in the way of symptoms. Maybe someone else will.....but again maybe nothing!??!!

Damn it sucks huh? I hate not knowing. I would call the vet/see the vet jsut for myself if anything else. Then you'll know and if it is "bad" you will have hopefully caught it in time to do some good.

Good luck Andy G!

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Old 04-24-03, 02:08 PM   #6
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Turned out to be nothing but a bump. Since she recently shed (Sunday), her new skin was very delicate, this was the same night she climbed under her branch rather than over. Today it wasn't half as red and the bump itself is going down. Thanks for the suggestions guys and I am relieved I was worried over nothing!
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