Hello. How about an idea. I think it is always good to prevent then to treat. If he is an outside kitty, why don't you put him on Revolution. It is a topical internal and external parasite preventitive. All you do is apply the liquid behind their neck once a month. You don't need a vet visit every month, just your routine exam every year. (At least where I work) The medication usually runs about 10 dollars a month and it includes the flea and tick prevention.
Sorry, I don't mean to sound like a salesperson.  But it is an option.
Good luck with what ever choice you make.
P.S. Just a note on Ivermectin. Remember it is a HORSE and CATTLE dewormer and is formulated for small animal use. Just remember the Ivermectin can kill you animal if it heartworm positive and has been seen to cause blindness in dogs!!!!
3.5 Common BCI, 0.2 Central American BCI 0.1 ATB, 0.1 Hog Island boa, 1.0 Burm, 1.1 Dumerils Boa, 0.0.1 Pueblan milk snake, 1.0 Sinaloan milk snake, 0.0.1 Indonesian Blue Tongue skink,0.0.1 Kei Island Blue Tongue skink, 0.0.2 Northern Blue Tongue skink, 1.1 Leopard gecko
Last edited by Reptscue; 04-20-03 at 08:17 PM..