I am not kidding! I had some extra cash, so i am picking up your suntiger and picking me up a B.vagans. So its pretty much a win-win situation for me! If i got you something, i had to get me somehting right, hehe cant resist! They are too addicting, even for a 13 year old like me! Its also a different bloodline then the sling i have now, and if we keep are's untill they mature, hopefully one has male one female, we can take them out on a date, it will be great. Its fine, whenever you can come i can wait. I live in West Bloomfield, and whenever you can you can meet me at the public library. Let me know! either PM or e-mail me! No prob as well, i really wanted a suntiger, i know how you feel! You will really love it!
Your friend,
P.S- i would be speechless to lol
"Quitting is just another shortcut to losing"