Many ppl refer to all three species as blood pythons, or some mixture of the names all thrown together on a classified add...
However, all three species,... Blood python, Borneo short-tail python, and Sumatran short-tail python. are considered there own species now.
heres the latin and general name that most go well as a picture of each.
Blood python (python brongersmai)
Borneo short-tail python (python breitensteini)
And Sumatran short-tail python (python Curtus)
Not all of the species look like the ones pictured above, especially as hatchlings. The biggest confusion is between the borneos and Sumatrans as they can look similar as babies.
Differences between all three species, include overall colouration, head scales, and average size in many cases. They're located relatively close in there native habitat, but have there distinctive regions and islands, with some overlapping.
The biggest cause of confusion is usually because they are shipped from one location (eg. sumatra) to north america.
Hope that helped...
Grant vg