Well, it is getting that time of year. Got off work today and headed down to the "Hooch" for about an hour of herping. Mainly looking for small stuff since that is what most people find in their yard. Wasn't bad for an hour of flipping rocks

Cute little baby Ringneck (actually one of the species i was looking for)
No wait, those are Worm snakes.

Found a total of 3 of these little dirt kissers in 5 minutes.
Also found the largest Slimy Slamabder I have ever seen (about 6 or 7 inches

) and a few other salamanders and skinks.
But the last rock I flipped before I hit the parking lot toleave yielded this this guy.

Definately the highlight of my day and more than i was expecting. Sweet little garter too, no biting no musking.
*shaking Majic 8 Ball* "Outlook is Good"