All herps are listed from most wanted (not dead or alive. Alive and kicking!)
1.0 Python regius (albino)
1.0 Boa constrictor imperator (high red)
1.3 Amazon tree boa
1.1 Boa constrictor melanogaster
1.2 Bothriechis schlegeli
1.1 Bothrochilus boa
1.1 Oxyrhopus rhombifer inaequifasciatus
1.1 Leiopython albertisii
1.1 Python timoriensis
1.1 Liasis fuscus
1.1 Morelia spilota cheynei
1.1 Epicrates cenchria
1.1 Elaphe mandarina
1.1 Elaphe porphyracea nigrofasciatus
1.2 Hypsilurus dilophus
1.2 Gonocephalus chamaeleontinus
1.2 Gonocephalus grandis
1.2 Dendragama boulengeri
1.1 Agama agama
1.1 Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens
1.1 Haplopelma lividum
1.0 Brachypelma ruhnaui
0.0.2 Brachypelma albopilosum
0.0.2 Pterinochilus mammilatus
0.0.2 Acanthoscuria cachoana
0.0.2 Poecilotheria regalis
0.0.2 Theraphosa blondi
0.0.2 Lycosidae tarantula
0.0.1 Pandinus imperator
0.0.4 Crustacea cecarcinus
0.0.5 Goliathus beetle
0.0.10 Idolomantis diabolicum
Well, those are some of what i want in the near or far future