
Some of the work we do here with the team:
Road mitigation work in the Eastern Georgian Bay population
Population viability analysis
Coming soon - a new massasauga display at the Toronto Zoo
Guidelines for mapping habitat and conducting searches
Thermal ecology masters work on the Bruce Peninsula
Potential massasauga repatriation in the Ojibway population
Consideration of massasaugas in bog restoration at Wainfleet
Coordinated outreach with the Georgian Bay Reptile Awareness Programme
www.gbayreptiles.com )
Work with the West Parry Sound Health Centre on training for health care
professionals and development of safety messages
The National Recovery Plan for the Eastern Massasauga Rattlesnake was developed
to increase:
1. Public Education and Outreach
2. Scientific Research
3. Monitoring and Management
4. Shelter Areas Network
5. Communications and Coordination
6. Ojibway Ecosystem Restoration
7. Wainfleet Ecosystem Restoration