I got a beautiful 1 year male CB for only $150... I love him! But, that was oddly low
I would expect $125-$175 WC, $175-$250 CB is a fair price for them... They are not begginer species, but they seem pretty easiy if you can keep the temps and humidity right... Temps I keep at 68-74F day, and 66-70F night. Humidity stays at 75%-90%, usually 80%. Feed small crickets, I use 1/4" to 3/5" crickets. Lots of calcium, and I use a standard 27G split in half... so it is almost a 18" cube or something.
No or little handling, shallow water dish, and a few leaves, and Pothos, or similar plants. I use coconut fiber substrate.
Works for me!
Dan Conner