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Old 03-22-03, 12:09 AM   #1
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Lightbulb Honest Opinion

Okay guys, here is the masterpiece. Against some of your advice, I decided to go W/ a screen design thinking that the kids will only be in there for a couple hours at a time. I am going for a gothic look (notice the cherubs and angels). What do you think?
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Old 03-22-03, 12:12 AM   #2
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Another View

Close up.
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Old 03-22-03, 08:59 AM   #3
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Not bad at all, but what kind of snake is it? The patterns from what I can see looks like a bull snake.

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Old 03-22-03, 11:01 AM   #4
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very nice yellow

looks like a yellow anaconda to me very nice snake and set up
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Old 03-22-03, 01:23 PM   #5
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My only concerns are that one of the snakes will knock something over, those statues don't look light and could hurt. Also you say that the snakes will only be in there a couple hours a day. Do you bring your snakes with you to work? What kinds of snakes are you putting in there?
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Old 03-22-03, 03:33 PM   #6
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1.1 ball pythons, 1.1 anmel corns, 1.0. collard lizards, 1.1 pastle B.C.I's . 4 tropical fishes
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Old 03-22-03, 11:27 PM   #7
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The snake is Ray. He is a fox snake. It is kind of hard to tell through the screen. Concerning the statues, they are all either glued or screwed to a piece of 3/4 inch plywood. The pot and angel on the stand are glued and the stand itself is actually on the carpet (drilled through the plywood). This is my home office, so I don't take my snakes to work. I would if I could though. Maybe people could tell my mood by the snake around my neck that day! Can you say Mangrove Monday? I plan on putting all 30 of my snakes in there at one time or another. Currently, I have a WC Brindle Rat, Yellow Rat, and Fox snake in the enclosure. Most of my snakes get along very well and can be trused to spend the day together. The enclosure is working out very well. I put the heat pad in today and a couple of heat lams closer to the bottom to provide the hot spot. I will post more pics as the kids get to spend time in the big house!
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Old 03-23-03, 02:00 AM   #8
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The mixing of different snakes is what concerns me, as natural bacteria that is harmless to one could be fatal to another.
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Old 03-23-03, 04:08 AM   #9
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How long did it take to do?
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Old 03-24-03, 08:53 AM   #10
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I will refrain from comment on the snakes.... but for an Iguana that would be a very nice cage.
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Old 03-24-03, 09:46 AM   #11
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Add a few more trees, a drip system and a chameleon!

Iggy... maybe if the screen was a different type, looks like fiberglass/synthetic which would be shredded by an iggys nails on the first couple of climbing sessions on it.

As for placing different snakes in it not too good an idea, (already mentioned by Lisa and touched upon by Stormyva..) as the cage would have to be stripped and cleaned between snakes changes.
With the fixtures and cherubs etc. being attached, well, cleaning/sterilizing etc, doesn't appear to be a very quick nor an easy job.

Best to stick with one species. may as well make it one that would benefit the most for it.
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Old 03-24-03, 08:41 PM   #12
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You guys are all correct on keeping different breeds together. I would not suggest that an inexperienced keeper try it. However, over the years I have found that most snakes will get along especially if they are raised together. This is not traditional and again, it is not good idea unless you are skilled AND prepared to deal with the consequences. The only failure that I have ever had is when my Mex-King snake attacked my Leucistic Texas Rat Snake. That was in my 2nd month of keeping over 10 years ago. Both lived and are still with me today, but I should have known better.... Since the interned has become such a research tool, I have become much more well read. I have one Macklot (the one that was lost in the couch) and a Columbia Red Tail that are the best of friends. The were placed together at about 3 months old and you can't seperate them now. Anyway, you guys are right. Not a good idea for most folks.
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Old 03-24-03, 10:48 PM   #13
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Only other thing I would worry about besides the mixing of species is the screen, I would worry about the snakes rubbing their noses against it. Having a screen lid is one thing as most snakes explore the sides not the top but when all sides are screen they could rub anywhere.
1.1 Corn snakes, 1.0 Black Rat snake, 1.1 Bearded Dragons, 3.4.8 Leopard geckos, 1 Crested gecko
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Old 03-25-03, 07:36 PM   #14
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Good thought and something I had not considered. I will keep a close eye on it.
I'm so far Right, it's amazing I haven't fallen OVER!
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Old 03-30-03, 10:17 AM   #15
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it's not the attacking that concerns me, it's the natural bacteria that each snake harbours that could be a problem. Specially with species that don't live in the same area.
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May you live in interesting times.
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