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Old 03-19-03, 03:38 PM   #1
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safe plants for Red eyes

Can anyone tell my wich live plants are safe in a red eye leaf frog terruim? and how whould you go about makeing a substate safe for them and funtional? I would be willing to leave the plants in the potters if it's better for them. also will an UTH provide enough heat wile the frogs are sitting above it?

Thanks Matt.
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Old 03-19-03, 04:33 PM   #2
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This is a list that someone gave to me a little while ago

Ming's Non-toxic plant list

In my tank I currently have a parlor palm, marble pothos, rubber plant, waxy plant, and a prayer plant.

The red-eyes don't really seem to like the parlor palm, prayer plant or waxy plant, though they do occasionally sleep on the waxy plant. But the benefit of having at least the prayer plant is the fact that the crickets will eat it if they don't get eaten right away.

Also they really love the rubber plant as they sleep under it's leaves most of the time and the pothos seems to be another favourite and it grows like crazy.

Hope this helps.

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Old 03-19-03, 04:36 PM   #3
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Forgot to add this . . .

I was going to use a UTH but on the advice of everyone I spoke to I ended up using a heat lamp which apparently works a lot better because they are used to heat coming from the sun above them and not from the ground so it is a much more natural method.
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Old 03-19-03, 04:57 PM   #4
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cool thanks for the info.

the heat lamp seemed a bad idea to me b/c it would dry out the cage. so.. what do you keep your humity at? and what substrate do you use? also what size tank do you have your 2 in?
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Old 03-19-03, 07:58 PM   #5
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I keep my 2 in a 40 gallon tall tank. For the humidity there is one of those exo-terra waterfalls that keep the humidity up to around 60-80%, unless the heat lamp is on (I only turn it on if the room is not warm enough for them) and then the humidity drops to around 30-40%. And for substrate I am using cypress mulch. I have the plants in clay pots with a pure spagnum moss soil with a little mulch on top of it.

PS. If you read my post below you will notice that I have wood mites in the tank and that they are harmless to the frogs, but if you use cypress mulch don't be shocked to get em to.

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Old 03-19-03, 08:58 PM   #6
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K thanks
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Old 03-20-03, 09:56 AM   #7
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I like ground coconut husk substrates like Bed-a-Beast or Eco-Earth. Bug free, and really hold in the humidity when used wet. It's also good for low-humidity animals when thoroughly dried first. You can grow your plants right in it, or use organic topsoil (no fertilizers, vermiculite, pesticides, etc.) as a base layer with the coconut husk over top of it.
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