Hi dart frogs are very hardy frogs providing you are starting with captive bred ones, wc can open up a whole world of problems.
An easy set up that will work very well and last for several years is as follows.
for your base layer of substrate use gravel, or unscented kitty litter, aproximately 2 inches. On top of this add al layer of either troical moss, or leaf litter, or both. Plants can be planted directly in this substrate (wash them well first however)
if you are using a screen lid, cover 80-90% of it up with glass or saran wrap to keep in humidity. Spay the tank 1-2 times per day.
I dont reccomend mixing species, especially if you are just starting it, this usually ends up in problems. You can however keep more than one of the same species in the same vivarium, usually 1 frog/5 gallons of vivarium space works well.
Flourescent lighting works fine, heat lamps, uv bulbs are not neccesary. In most cases room temp is fine as the interior of the tanks will be several degrees warme than the exterior.
Now the most important thing you want to do before you get any frogs is secure a reliable source of pinheads, or begin culturing fruit flies. haveing a steady supply of small foods is the key to success with dart frogs, if you can do this you will have no problems.
Good luck, and please check out my website for more info.
Mark Pepper
Understory Enterprises