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Old 03-14-03, 11:07 PM   #1
Join Date: Oct-2002
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I've heard pf people injecting prey items with water before feeding. Do any of you do this? Doesn't it make the prey more likely to rupture? Is there a specific area of the body that you inject the water into? I am very interested in hearing everyone's opinions on this!

- Victoria :w
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Old 03-14-03, 11:14 PM   #2
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Every few months I like to give my snakes a dose of pedialyte, or if I wanted to give a calorie booster, typically I just inject it into the rodent, its less stessful then sticking a tube down the poor snakies throat. Also when I worm any snake I inject the rodent with the dewormer. Rodents are a great way to get any oral medecine/supplement into the snake without any added stress What I do is either put the rodents on its back and stick the needle as far as I can in its stomach at a 15 degree angle (towards the head) and inject, or in smaller prey items (pinkies, etc) you can put it in through the mouth. Hope this helped
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Old 03-14-03, 11:17 PM   #3
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i have never heard of such a thing? would you reccomend for me to do the things that you do for your snakes every month or so?
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Old 03-14-03, 11:33 PM   #4
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The only routine thing I practice is pedialyte every few months. The other things I listed are for animals that have problems (such as parasites or other health problems), hence I won't recommend this to anyone since I am not a vet, and have not seen the animals in question or evaluated its condition. I was simply stating that injecting the rodents is a useful way of getting oral meds/supplements into an animal without stress. "If it aint broke don't fix it" . I like to give my snakes a dose of pedialyte just to assure their electrolyte balance is up. They are not people however, only a small amount it necessary, as you don't want to overdo it
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Old 03-15-03, 01:30 AM   #5
Grant vg
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like linds, i also go for the stomach of the rat when injecting meds and what not. anywhere else, and it usually will leak out, either immediately or while the snake is eating it.

Grant van Gameren
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Old 03-15-03, 06:40 PM   #6
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I really have never heard of injecting a rodent with anything before giving it to a snake. Snakes do not need any kind of protien or vitamins to live a healthy life. If you breed you rodents right and they are fat and healthy then that with be protien enough for your snake.
Now for other reptiles, I have no idea cuz I have no need to collect them.

If you have any questions or comments then feel free to pm me or send an e-mail.

Thanks Burmies
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