Originally Posted by Jimmy whispers
I actually have private buyers and shop owners that would buy if I produced. Some are actually pushing for it. But they dont want anything real high end in their shop obviously.
I wanted to do some cow/ogs stuff
What happens when they buy your first round of retics? How many are the private buyers going to buy? Are they suitable keepers who can keep a 20 foot snake for 20 years properly? Have they given you money up front? A lot of people say things until it's time to pony up and then you're stuck with a bunch of retics.
Shop owners want wholesale prices or trades. You want to sell your snakes for 50 cents on the dollar? What happens when they sit on their retics for 3 months? 6 months? How are they going to want more? Are they prepared to buy 60 babies from you?
Do you really want shop owners selling retics to 18 year olds who can't keep them for 20 years or properly?
Why do you want to do low end stuff? Why not high end stuff?
Also, you asked for opinions and then defended your ideas. Sounds like you want opinions that only agree with you.