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Old 06-06-21, 08:48 PM   #1
Bodega aquatics
Join Date: Feb-2021
Posts: 22
What's your experience with Emerald Tree Boas and/or Green Tree Pythons

Hello! My name is Patrick and I am interested in getting either a GTP or an ETB. After going back and forth I've decided to go with whichever one presents itself first. I won't be able to get a ETB or GTP for a while but even though that sounds really far off, I want to know everything I need to. And its also my passion to keep learning about this stuff. So for me as a reptile keeper, I have very little first hand experience. I grew up on a small farm and (looking to move back right now, actually) and I still have a small collection of animals, along with 10 aquariums which I house tropical fish like discus. From other animals I have a good understanding of misting systems and overall husbandry. Once I move I plan on getting a California kingsnake as my first snake. The high school I will be attending has a wildlife museum so I hope I can get around some larger snakes (BCI boas, ect) during the same time of having the Cal king. I wanted to start with something easier so I'd have a higher likelihood of a good experience. My true goal though is to keep either a GTB or ETB and I was wondering what you thought of your ETB or GTP? Also, if you feel comfortable sharing what CB breeders yo recommend it would be much appreciated. Thank you very much in advance!
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Old 06-07-21, 08:48 AM   #2
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Re: What's your experience with Emerald Tree Boas and/or Green Tree Pythons

What do you want to know about them? Great display snakes. GTPs are easier than ETBs.
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Old 06-07-21, 11:21 AM   #3
Bodega aquatics
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Re: What's your experience with Emerald Tree Boas and/or Green Tree Pythons

I've heard a lot of extremes one way or another for both the ETBs and GTP. I've heard of stories where they are super docile and other than in the evening you can take them out (within reason) and are super sweet. Then I also hear about ones that you wouldn't want to touch with a 10 foot pole and give nasty bites. Not sure if anyone knows this or not but many say that GTP have smaller teeth. How smaller? Just a tad or is the difference significant? I know that each snake is an individual but I've head that GTP are more nippy and more aggressive where ETB are more laid back yet can't be handled while GTPs can. Do GTP seem more bitey?
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Old 06-07-21, 03:43 PM   #4
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Re: What's your experience with Emerald Tree Boas and/or Green Tree Pythons

GTPs have localities that tend to be more on the nippy side, yes. ETBs are not something I want to mess with. GTPs only have smaller teeth because their heads are smaller.

Honestly, pick whichever one you want and just go in understanding it's not meant to be handled. Don't expect one that can be handled.
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Old 06-07-21, 05:07 PM   #5
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Re: What's your experience with Emerald Tree Boas and/or Green Tree Pythons

I agree. GTP's are certainly not a super hand-able snake and I would never recommend one if you're a beginner. They also require a high humidity to be maintained and, like Aaron said, are more of a display snake, unless you get a really chill one.
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