Re: Snake entertainment
Snakes are not apex predators. Lots of other predators eat snakes. It is in a snake's best interest to spend as little time moving and drawing attention to itself as possible. When snakes move, they will move to find warmth, find food, etc.
"Happiness" is believed to reside in a portion of the brain that snakes lack. I'm not saying that they cannot be "happy," but that happiness might be better expressed as having food, water, and appropriate temperatures and lacking things to fight or flee from. People can be a part of a snake's happiness by giving them good enclosures and establishing themselves as objects that snakes don't need to fear.
Some species are more prone to movement than others. My subadult Japanese ratsnake is very active; it always seems to be on the move. My cornsnake is also fairly active throughout the day and night. The rest of my snakes (pythons) tend to limit their activity to night hours.