Re: Driving from CA to FL
Get yourself a Styrofoam (polystyrene) box which is big enough for your snake. Put the snake into a cloth bag (if it is small enough a sock would do nicely, otherwise a pillowcase), secure the opening of the bag, put the bag into the Styrofoam box and you are ready to go.
The Styrofoam box will insulate your snake from outside temperatures for hours (days), so it will neither get too cold or too hot inside this box. If you expect really cold temperatures you can add a chemical hand warmer to heat the inside of the box.
You can keep your snake inside this box for as long as it takes to get to your next motel, the Styrofoam is permeable for oxygen, so your snake isn’t in any danger of suffocating. I would get it out of the bag and into a small tub with access to fresh water during the night, probably keeping it in the bathroom where it is a little warmer then in your bedroom. Put it back into the bag and the box at the morning before you leave and you are good.
Here is a box from the UK Amazon page, I could not find the same in the US, but you should be able to find it.-->
1,0 Lampropeltis triangulum campbelli, 1,2 Gonyosoma oxycephalum, 1,2 Philodryas baroni, 1,2 Spilotes pullatus, 2,1 Spilotes sulphureus, 0,1 Gonyosoma boulengeri, 1,1 Zamenis longissimus, 0,1 Malpolon sp., 1,1 Malpolon monspessulanus