Welcome to sSNAKESs!!
Wow...unplanned parenthood!
A whole laundry list of things, after you visit your local pet store, will help you keep it alive if you really want to:
Depending on how large it is, a 5-10gal tank, an under-the-tank heater (UTH) or a ceramic-heating-element (CHE), a thermostat (may have to buy on-line), paper towels, water dish, an overturned small box (or cave/hide from local pet store). For food...if it's small enough, earthworms or nightcrawlers (a calcium powder will be necessary for calcium intake) are a good start, and then you can work up to pinky mice (newborn/online suppliers) until you let it go. Temps are 72-88F (night/day). A cheap thermostat will require you to adjust the temps in the morning and night, or an electronic version ($$) will do it automatically and ramp up/down the temperatures.