Originally Posted by Dillonps
What have I don't wrong she has a home bed climbing water. I'm now making a lizard trap. I will release her if I need to but I held her for the first time and it was intense but I enjoy her and want to keep her happy and healthy
As somebody with next to no knowledge of snake keeping, you're better off researching an animal first. Then, if and when you decide you're ready for a 20+ year commitment buy a captive bred snake from a breeder.
Wild caught animals are often riddled with parasites. If you're trying to trap food, you're welcoming more parasites to the party.
Do some research and if You want a snake at some point buy one. You don't have the experience for this animal to thrive in your care, and considering it's a wold caught animal you're already starting off on the wrong foot.
Until you know how to PROPERLY care for the animal it's unfair for you to keep it.
Please release the snake.