Re: Need help to identify an Argentinian nnake please
Originally Posted by jjhill001
Philodryas trilineata
Why do you think this is Philodryas trilineata? Do you have any identification key? I keep Philodryas baroni, so I am interested in other species of the same genus as well. When I read your statement I did a google search and found several pictures and a description from an argentine site, but none matches the snake Remi found.
Philodryas trilineata has an elongated head, a black stripe running from the nose thru the eye to the end of the mouth and the ventral area under the black stripe is white, especially the Supralabiale (the scales of the upper lip) are completely white. They don’t have this V-shaped at the end of the head and the two saddles at the neck.
I have no idea what this snake is (other than that it is some colubrid), but I am pretty sure it is not Philodryas trilineata.
Here is a picture of my Philodryas baroni which shows the same head shape and the same black stripe and white ventral coloration as Philodryas trilineata for comparison.
1,0 Lampropeltis triangulum campbelli, 1,2 Gonyosoma oxycephalum, 1,2 Philodryas baroni, 1,2 Spilotes pullatus, 2,1 Spilotes sulphureus, 0,1 Gonyosoma boulengeri, 1,1 Zamenis longissimus, 0,1 Malpolon sp., 1,1 Malpolon monspessulanus