I completely forgot!!! As did Jeff ive noticed. As of March 1st, sSnakeSs.com is one years old. Congrats Jeff & Laurynn, the site has done amazing. Your hard work and dedication has truely made this site what it is today. Im glad that i have been fortunate enough to have been there from the beggining to watch it succeed and grow. With the sheer numbers of members it is nice to see what started out as just fun, has grown into a full blown community with members world wide. I had a dream last night for a poem on this the anniversary..so here goes
Twas the night before the anniversary, and all throughout the site, the members were busy posting, and attaching pics with delight.
I sat infront of my screen, watching over the members in chat, when Jeff came into the basement and announced new plans for the site that would be fat.
I listened to his words, and thought what a brilliant plan. I sat beside him at his p.c. and watched this amazing man.
For his plan was so simple, he would provide a site that was fun. He would have forums and photo-hosting, and moderators, oh what a will become
Of this dream, these tactics, this vision in his head? A big waste of time i thought, within a month the dream would be dead.
But that was in the beggining, and i wasn't totally sold. I said Dear Jeff...there is lots of sites out there, what makes you think this can be good as gold?
It was at this moment that he looked at me with a gleam in his eye, he said it will be called sSnakeSs.com, and he would set his standards high.
Well that was one year ago, and now i have to admit, the members keep pouring in...and the forums get better and better yet.
So at this end of the year the family has grown, i can still remember just seven members, where has the time flown.
How did this site get to where it is now, is it Jeff, is it Dom or Linds, ill figure it out somehow, 1500 members where do i begin?
With this came to me a realization, that it is all the members here, the ones who do the posts, that spend every single day of the year.
The memories, the new friends, its all been such a blast, we couldnt have done it without all of you, with such poise and class.
To our dear webmater Jeff, your dream is bigger than ever. You have finally proved me wrong, arent you so very clever.
Thanks for your work, your passion and your skills, without you of all people, there would be site like this still
For you were the man with the vision, the guts to get it off the ground, who kept the members coming, who never put forth a frown.
Who carried the weight of the site, with care and never nelgect.,who has truely made it what it is, for that you deserve our respect.
This poem must now come to and end, and i thank you for reading, sSnakeSs.com is the best, no matter what season.
For all of you, and especially for the site, as me move into the future, i would like to say cheers, to sSnakeSs.com, one day you will be a movie feature
Thanks for reading everyone, best of luck to you in the future Jeff, thanks for having me share this with you, and you have well past my expectations, Congrats again, Keep up the Amazing work, we all love you for it, Shane