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Old 08-06-17, 12:38 PM   #1
Join Date: Feb-2017
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Posts: 98
longer in between shed cycles?

hey guys so my BP just turned 10 months old and i'm just curious as to when you start noticing longer shed cycles? when i got her at 5 months she first shed than exactly 5 weeks later shed again than 5 weeks and a few days shed again. now she's close to being 8 weeks and no shed. color is fading, but no other signs. so when do longer cycles usually start? about what's the average shed cycle on adults or juveniles? about how many times a year for adults? thanks for all the input and advice! have a nice e ssssssunday
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Old 08-10-17, 02:40 AM   #2
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Re: longer in between shed cycles?

There isn't a change that I've noticed. My 11 year old bp sheds just as often as my baby snakes do. Regardless of species, or age, or feeding frequency, my snakes shed on average every 1-3 months. I have a couple snakes who lie outside that norm, and the amount of time between sheds seems to vary slightly.

The snakes I have that I used to overfeed also shed just as often now that that they're eating half or a quarter as often. Feeding them less does not seem to affect their shed cycles overall, in my experience.

As long as it does shed, and you know you're feeding appropriately, I wouldn't worry.
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Old 08-10-17, 09:32 AM   #3
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Re: longer in between shed cycles?

Here's about 3 years of feeding and shedding cycles for my indigo. Not the same species, but as you can see, his shed cycle is now about twice as long as when I first got him. As growth slows, so do does the shedding cycle.

Untitled Page

However, since your snake is still young, it's probably still growing quickly. This longer shed cycle may be an anomaly.
“...the old ones ... knew in their bones... that death exists, that all life kills to eat, that all lives end, that energy goes on. They knew that humans are participants, not spectators.” -- Stephen Bodio, On the Edge of the Wild
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