Re: Worried new owner
How old is the snake? If it was last fed an adult rat then there's no point feeding it a pinky. Maybe drop down a prey size for a couple of feeds but not down to a pinky.
As others have said though give it change to settle. Leave it completely alone except for routine water changes etc.
Also did the seller give you any feeding records so you can see how regularly it was feeding?
0.1 B imperator, 1.0 M spilota harrisoni, 1.0 C hortulanus, 2.1 P reticulatus (Madu locality), 1.1 S amethystine, 1.1 L olivaceous, 1.0 C angulifer, 1.0 Z persicus, 0.1 P regius, 0.1 N natrix, 0.1 E climacophora, 1.0 P obsoletus, 0.1 L geluta nigrtia, 1.0 P catenifer sayi, 1.0 T lepidus