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Old 02-03-17, 01:23 PM   #1
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corn snake morph?

What morph is this? The person got him in trade but is rehoming because of temperament and doesn't know anything except they were told he'll be purple to somewhat grey when grown. Exact age unknown. They just said fairly young.

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Old 02-03-17, 02:50 PM   #2
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Re: corn snake morph?

That baby snake hasn't matured enough to label it as having a bad temper...anyways...looks like a lavender stripe.
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Old 02-03-17, 03:28 PM   #3
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Re: corn snake morph?

I didn't think the temperament was a huge deal. It's a little corn snake that doesn't like being grabbed out of it's cage. Not really hard to work with. If it's feeding well I might go get it tomorrow. It's hard to find a price for that particular combo with no background but $20 is a deal for anything around here.
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Old 02-05-17, 02:02 AM   #4
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Re: corn snake morph?

Poor little aggressive corn snake. He wouldn't get off my hand until I setup his hides one handed. He is as purple as the other pic but I only had a yellow room light on and my camera likes to pick up browns more than you see in person. Under full spectrum or daylight he's quite pretty even if he greys a bit with age.

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Old 02-05-17, 08:20 AM   #5
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Re: corn snake morph?

The lavenders tend to get more pink and purple hues as they age. Cute little one.
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Old 02-05-17, 07:13 PM   #6
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Re: corn snake morph?

Not sure it can eat a gerbil pinky. They are closer in size to mouse fuzzies. I started a mouse breeding group that had some issues and they smelled so I was not too heart broken over their escape and capture by cats. I just got some from a very crowded feeder bin and turns out I'm severely allergic and we almost had to go to the ER because I don't keep an inhaler on hand. So gerbils and rats it is. I think I only notice rat smell because I have them separated by gender in a couple 10gallons due to health issues keeping me from setting up their 2 breeding cages this past week.
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Old 02-07-17, 02:48 PM   #7
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Re: corn snake morph?

I agree, looks like a Lavender Stripe. You got a heck of a deal.

Here's a link to Don Soderberg's site where he discusses Lavenders and Lavender Stripes. Good info, and he shows the same snake in different lights.

I thought my husband was an odd one for being allergic to mice--especially since he's fine with my pet rats--but maybe this allergy is more common than I thought. I'd started a mouse breeding colony while he was away and when he came back from his trip he started choking up as soon as he got near the mice. I had to kill off my breeders, which actually made me quite sad. Eventually I'd need to harvest most of their offspring and them too, but I'd counted on them having several good months and had pimped out their enclosures with toys and exercise wheels so they could live well. Best laid plans, right?
0.1 Hog Island Boa, 0.1 Woma Python, 2.3 Ball Pythons, 1.1 Stimson's Pythons, 1.1 Western Hognoses, 4.6 Corns, 1.1 Mexican Milks, 2.2 Black Milks, 1.1 CA Kings, 1.1 CA Red-Sided Garters, 2.3 Trans-Pecos Rats, 2.2 Russian Rats, 1.0 Olive House Snake
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Old 02-07-17, 05:17 PM   #8
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Re: corn snake morph?

I heard lots of people who maintain large breeding colonies of rodents for a lot of snakes become allergic eventually. It's true with many other things we don't generally think of when we talk about rodents like chinchillas. The feeder breeder group was also just talking about how many people have developped a rat allergy. Although most of those are like me where they just itch in places a rat has scratched them with a few breaking out in hives so they have to wear gloves but not really the respiratory distress of mice. Gerbils don't drink and pee much so they don't produce a lot of urine proteins or dust like chinchillas. There isn't much to be allergic to or impact the respiratory tract from them.
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Old 02-07-17, 05:42 PM   #9
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Re: corn snake morph?

I have a friend allergic to rats to the point of getting rid of anything that was too big for mice. It's definitely not unheard of.
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Old 02-09-17, 01:51 AM   #10
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Re: corn snake morph?

Ugh there's a pinky mouse shortage around here right now. Apparently major distributors did not ship to the bigger stores so everything was bought up and places that normally sell feeders are barely feeding their own snakes. I'm going to have to hunt down a small breeder I can grab 2 from. I have to feed the little desert king snake too.
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Old 02-11-17, 08:24 AM   #11
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Re: corn snake morph?

You can order pinkies online. I get mine from Reptiles for Sale - Over 500 Species Available they get shipped with dry ice to keep them frozen.
Snakes. Lots of them.
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Old 02-11-17, 03:01 PM   #12
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Re: corn snake morph?

Depending on where you are, I really like Layne Labs. I can order small quantities of different sizes as I have 7 snakes of varying size. I have never had any issues with the quality of the rodents I've received.
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Old 02-11-17, 06:23 PM   #13
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Re: corn snake morph?

You can't order live and I don't know if it will eat f/t yet. I would have grabbed one to find out but the chain stores actually said if you find any come back and tell us because they can't feed their own.
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Old 02-12-17, 06:04 PM   #14
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Re: corn snake morph?

Gotcha. Must have misunderstood, my bad
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