Re: corn snake morph?
I agree, looks like a Lavender Stripe. You got a heck of a deal.
Here's a link to Don Soderberg's site where he discusses Lavenders and Lavender Stripes. Good info, and he shows the same snake in different lights.
I thought my husband was an odd one for being allergic to mice--especially since he's fine with my pet rats--but maybe this allergy is more common than I thought. I'd started a mouse breeding colony while he was away and when he came back from his trip he started choking up as soon as he got near the mice. I had to kill off my breeders, which actually made me quite sad. Eventually I'd need to harvest most of their offspring and them too, but I'd counted on them having several good months and had pimped out their enclosures with toys and exercise wheels so they could live well. Best laid plans, right?
0.1 Hog Island Boa, 0.1 Woma Python, 2.3 Ball Pythons, 1.1 Stimson's Pythons, 1.1 Western Hognoses, 4.6 Corns, 1.1 Mexican Milks, 2.2 Black Milks, 1.1 CA Kings, 1.1 CA Red-Sided Garters, 2.3 Trans-Pecos Rats, 2.2 Russian Rats, 1.0 Olive House Snake