Re: respiratory infections
They can be bacterial or viral. To find out what you're dealing with as well as find out appropriate medication, you have to get a c&s done by a vet. Viral have to run their course, bacterial are treatable with meds. It always helps to bump heat and humidity when dealing with both types of R.I. unless a specific prescribed medication contraindicates doing so. They are extremely contagious but especially so with individuals who are under stress, kept improperly or have other compounding health issues.
Google will probably pop up a lot of home remedies for you. One of them that I am sure you'll hear about is delivery of f10 via nebulization, which is a surface disinfectant that isn't supposed to come into contact with mucous not least not by me or any vet that I know...but some people claim successful treatment with that method.
Edit: Symtoms!
A distinct wheezing/popping during respiration as well as a distended throat due to the nose being blocked by fluid, coupled with the snake constantly having it's head elevated in order to try to drain fluids are often the first signs of an RI. Then comes excess mucous/fluid in the mouth accompanied by bubbles, and open mouthed breathing.