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Old 11-18-16, 08:58 AM   #1
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Question Can I use tap water to humidify my bp cage?

I just recently got a bp and set up his cage. When I humidify his cage (which is once or twice a day) can I use tap water? I know that I can't use tap water for his water dish, but since he isn't drinking this, can I humidify his cage with warm tap water in a spray bottle?
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Old 11-18-16, 09:10 AM   #2
Albert Clark
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Re: Can I use tap water to humidify my bp cage?

Tap water is fine. I usually aim for the substrate in a corner of the enclosure.
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Old 01-16-17, 06:47 PM   #3
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Re: Can I use tap water to humidify my bp cage?

my snake licks water off the glass so i spray with bottled water
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Old 01-17-17, 03:03 AM   #4
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Re: Can I use tap water to humidify my bp cage?

As long as your tap water is drinkable it can be used for whatever you need it for, even drinking water. I've used tap water for my snakes' drinking water for years. I wouldn't use tap water if you couldn't drink it yourself though.

Most bottled water is just city tap water with a fancy/misleading label.
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Old 01-17-17, 11:48 AM   #5
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Re: Can I use tap water to humidify my bp cage?

I use tap water for all reptiles. Drinking, soaking, spraying.
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Old 01-17-17, 12:43 PM   #6
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Re: Can I use tap water to humidify my bp cage?

Tap water all the way for me. That's for drinking and misting enclosures, I keep it stored at room temp
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Old 01-17-17, 05:37 PM   #7
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Re: Can I use tap water to humidify my bp cage?

If you have hardwater you will get a buildup of water spots you have to wipe off periodically. Otherwise there is no health concern. I mostly use tap and I mist my anoles 2-4times a day and the python once a day. Then with my bio-active cages we have a hard "rain" about weekly.
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Old 01-22-17, 06:05 PM   #8
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Re: Can I use tap water to humidify my bp cage?

Tap water would be just fine.
If you're using a humidifier or a misting system, probably distilled water just so it doesn't get a build up on the mechanics.
But I'm one of those really odd people who still drink water from the tap. Lol
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Old 01-23-17, 02:40 AM   #9
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Re: Can I use tap water to humidify my bp cage?

My tap is barely better than muddy Iowa river water. It killed my more complex chemical filtration than carbon/charcoal 10x faster than any other place I've lived. It's also kind of gritty. I use reverse osmosis (99.9% pure h20) for the fish and add back in the needed minerals because they die in my tapwater. So no... not drinking it.... Sometimes I question cooking with it. Technically we and the animals that do not live in it should be able to process what's in it. The water falls within all legal limits for what's in it. It just tastes like river water met pool water.
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