Re: secure tops for tank?
I've been using pegboard for tank tops. For a large boa in a 120 I'd recommend a metal frame of some sort to secure the edges, but screen is lousy for holding humidity. I use foamboard (thin styrofoam sheets with paper on both sides, peel off the paper) over top of most of the pegboard to hold in humidity and secure the top with straps. I found nylon straps with velcro and metal clips called Tera Tiedowns online, the larger size works very well on 12-18" tanks. The metal clips hook under the plastic tank rim, easier to work with than ratchet tie down straps.
7.6.26 Dominican red mountain boas, 1.1 carpet pythons, 3 ATB, 1.1 climacophora, 1.1 Russian rats, 1.1 prasina, 1.1 speckled kings, 3.3.1 corns, 1.1.1 black rats, 1.1 savu, 1.1 Stimson's, 1 spotted python, 1.1 Boiga nigriceps, 3 Olive house snakes, 1 Sonoran mountain king, 0.1 Sinoloan milk snake, 1.1 Dione rat snake.