Re: New to forum and have a serious queston.
Agree with everyone else. If your snake gets caught on anything sticky again use olive oil. I had an accident with baby corns and electrical tape. They were super stuck on the eye and jaw and everywhere really. They slid themselves right off the tape after the oil soaked in between the tape and scales. No damage no missing scales not even a mark to tell anything happened to them at all.
4.5 Chinese Beauty, 1.0 White Sided Rat, 0.1 Suboc, 0.1 Stillwater Hypo Bull, 1.0 50/50 Cal King, 6.7 Corns, 1.3.1 Ball Python, 7.15 BCI, 1.0 Jaguar Carpet, 2.2 Retics, 2.2 Wolf Snake, 0.1 BRB, 1.2 BCC Suriname, 1.1 Ridleyi Beauty, 0.1 False Water Cobra, 1.0 Bearded Dragon, 1.0 Halmahera BTS, 5.4 Parrots, 0.1 Cat, 1.0 Horse