Always Hidden and Tense
So I have a female lesser BP. She's still pretty small, probably about 100 grams (I need to get a current weight on her). Not sure in age tbh as I got her from a kid. She's normally a fair feeder when I heat the rat fuzzy up enough, but she ALWAYS is in her hide. She hates to leave it. The few times I caught her out, she immediately went back in. And when I say few times...I mean like...3... And if I pick up her hide to check on her because I haven't seen her a while, she's tightly balled up and super tense. She doesnt strike and if I take her out, she just does NOT relax. So I really try to leave her alone other than food, water, and spot cleaning.
I have had her for several months, temps are good, humidity is good, Ihave her in a tank in a far back corner so she is least disturbed. I am thinking of putting her in a tub since I would like to thinknof breeding in the future since I have my lovely banana mojave male. But to me, these animals are pets first and breeders last and right now she's not that great of a 'pet'.
Opinions and suggestions welcome.
"THE Reptiholic"
I stopped counting at 30....