Re: my corn snake is having trouble shedding
Also depending on the kind of terrarium you have the snake in, you could try this.
If they're in a glass terrarium:
Cover the top in saran wrap to help keep humidity inside. Glass ones in particular have a hard time keeping moisture inside, they're a little dryer than a plastic tub. Fill up their water, and add a second water bowl inside on the warm, and cool side too to also add in more moisture. Spritz occasionally, just be sure you don't soak the substrate or you could get mold.
If in a plastic tub:
Do the two water bowl options, and spritz a little more often. You can use something simple like newspaper at the bottom if you want if doing it this way, you'll avoid the mold risk. Plastic tubs keep moisture better than glass terrariums.
If you're handling them, have a bit of warm, moist washcloth in your hand for them to slither over. The wet and texture can also help them get the skin off.
0.1 Snow Corn (Ghost) |♦| 0.1 Pastel/Pie Ball (Vespa)