Re: Mold on the wood?
That's exactly why I don't have any natural wood in my tank at all. Wood will mold. Some chips like cypress seem to do fine but the wood you find at petstores for climbing is generally a bad idea. I throw out anything with mold on, for me as much as my snakes because I'm allergic and have asthma so it's all bad there. I, personally, would not keep anything with mold in the tank. If you have other snakes, there might be a way to clean it up and get rid of the mold so that you can use it in a dry environment but I don't have any tips on that. Don't think green or white mold are truly harmful types of mold, but I don't like any types.
0.1 Aberrant California Kingsnake "Eir" | 1.0 Brazilian Rainbow Boa "Xango" | 0.1 Western Hognose "Hoggle" | 1.0 B.c.longicauda "Oxossi" | 3.2 Cats | 0.1 cockatiel | 1 Nano Fishtank