Re: Giving Acrochordus javanicus a try?
I have 1. They're extremely sensitive though. You must keep the water EXTREMELY clean or they'll start developing white spot fungus. If it gets bad enough it could kill your snake but it will come off when they shed which is not very often. In the 6 months I've had mine it's only shed twice and doesn't look like it's really grown at all. They are also great escape artists. I didn't think I'd have to worry about mine escaping bc, like mentioned above, I heard they can't support their body weight or move when out of water but boy was I wrong. Actually a couple weeks ago I turned on the light to find 2/3 of mine escaped after 6 months of having them. They squeezed through a tiny hole in the lid for the heater. I found 1 in the next room and the other in the bathroom. Since its been so cold here in Cali they both just got too cold and were dead when I found them so now I'm left with 1. I've just been dumping about 20 fish in the tank every week. I've tried feeding them dead but they never seemed interested at all. Pretty much all the info you need is on the site stated above, That's where I got all of my info and the person who created the site is extremely helpful. Even though it hasn't been updated in years I emailed him a question and within a few hours he answered my question and gave me suggestions.
1.0 '08 sunfire retic, 0.1 '12 lavender albino tiger retic, 1.0 '12 platinum retic, 0.1 '14 goldenchild het albino retic, 1.0 '16 anthrax retic, 0.1 '16 graniteback het anthrax retic, 0.1 '16 normal HOGS retic, 1.1 amel atrox, 0.0.1 Nile monitor, 0.0.1 blue tailed monitor, 0.0.1 Mexican beaded lizard