Re: anyone use heat cable to get ambient air temps up?
Really it dosent matter where the probe is. As long as you dial it in to get the temps where they need to be before the animal is in the bin. if the probe is by the cable you will have set at a lower setting than it would be if you have it in the enclosure. Ultimately where ever the probe is it will do the same thind it will just determine what the temp setting is on the tstat.
If the bins are close together and within a couple degrees of each other 1 cable will do it if there is a bigger temp difference then run 2 seperate cables
1.1 Bredli Sarlacc/Rancor 0.1 Jungle carpet Shelia 0.1 hypo tangerine hondo amidala 0.1 ij carpet greedo 0.1 jag ij carpet maxine rebo 0.1 red western hognose gammorean 1.0 red tail boa boss nass 1.0 mbk Lando 1.0 asian vine higgins 0.1 asian vine wedge 1.0 cape file snake qui-gon jinn 0.1 checkered garter Doikk Na'ts 1.0 eastern garter Figrin D'an
Last edited by reptiledude987; 09-09-15 at 12:26 PM..