They don't get faster as they get older...but not any slower either.
You must stick to a schedual if you want her to stop running away
As they get older, they won't move faster, they just know how big they are and hopefully by that time they are tame and have no reason to run. But when they do, watch out. Roxy (over 5 feet) can move as fast as any snake, or baby lizard. But luckily since she is people friendly, she doesn't do this often. Last year I took her outside and she was off my shoulder and at the front door before I had a chance to react, which was about 10 feet away. Very fast.
The best thing you can do at this point to ensure a easy long life for your iguana in the future is too stick to the schedual (i.e. hold her each day at say 4 for an hour, but EVERYDAY) so that you can "control" her, predict what she will do, and be able to work with her without whipping, biting, and running.
This is especially important now as it will rule the way she acts when she gets older. She needs a solid base of interaction to mature with so she will have no fears of humans in the future when it counts.