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Old 02-20-03, 03:50 PM   #1
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red eye crocodile skinks?

has anyone kept these? how was your experience with them? what are theyre requirements? and where can you get them right now?
sorry for all the questions. this is a lizard i have been interested in for a while now but i cannot find any information on them, and i cant find anyone who has them in cananda.
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Old 02-21-03, 10:51 AM   #2
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I've kept them,

Triblinotus gracilis are a very secretive, timid lizard which thrive on lots of hiding places, high humidity, cooler temps and lots of peace and quiet.

I found they did best in groups of 1.2 per enclosure. Some people claim the males will fight, others disagree. I found this to be true in my case. 40 gallon aquariums per group.

If you never see them, that means they are doing well. If you see one hanging out in the open during the day, that's cause for alarm.

They'll eat any appropriate sized insect, larvae, arthropod, or slugs and earthworms.

It is important to de-worm immediately with panacur and flagyl...I lost part of a group a while back from adding a fresh wild caught female(mental lapse)

I'm looking to start again with this species very soon, so if you're interested in more info, I'll be more than happy to help you out... PM or e-mail

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