Re: Help!! Cant find the eggs!
I have had friends who have large set ups eith males and females and they just let them breed snd lay and they never look for the eggs. They just pull the babies as soon as they see them. Again though, they may get eaten if you don't have enough hiding places for small babies.
While gentleness is always a must, rotation does not affect the embryos like in snakes. Just throwing that out there.
Also, it is best to incubate at rokm temps. This will produce larger, healthier babies that will develop some large crests when they grow up. Incubating an egg too warm will speed up the time it takes them to hatch, butthey will be much smaller and can lack crests.
Good luck. And honestly, if you are breeding, you should have a seperate area for the females. I keep mine in a tank all together and instead of a planted ground, I keep dishes with about 2 inches of dirt. I can remove them and check them easily without dustriying the rest of the cage.
Also, males and females should be kept separately to prevent agression, stress, and over breeding.
"THE Reptiholic"
I stopped counting at 30....