Re: Heating a natural vivarium
A lot of people use similar heat pads or heat cables for heating soil. With 4 inches of soil, the UTH should be sufficient to warm the soil for the plants but if you need heat above the soil it won't provide that. Be sure to use a thermostat to prevent overheating. If you're concerned about drying, you can put a layer of expanded clay balls on the bottom full of water, and then put the substrate on top of that(with a mesh or something in between). That way the heat will actually bring moisture up into the soil. Very common setup with frogs.
As for heating the air above the soil, if it's say 1/3 of the aquarium can be in direct sunlight? How large is the aquarium? If it isn't very long then this should provide plenty enough heat. If not, then you can try heat cable inside the aquarium(although if you plan on having any animals inside I wouldn't recommend this)
0.1 tangerine albino honduran milksnake /// 0.1 snow southern pinesnake /// 0.1 black pinesnake /// 1.0 "hypo" north Mexican pinesnake (jani) /// 1.0 cincuate pinesnake (lineaticollis) /// 1.1 red striped gargoyle geckos /// 0.1 kitty cat /// 2.6.12 tarantulas(assorted species)