Originally Posted by reptiledude987
I'm on the fence about getting a bull right now. theres one at the local pet store for only $50 but tis not a cool morph like yours. I really want a bull but at the same time trying to trying to have more rare and unique things in the collection. I think I will see how the expo goes this weekend and then go from there.
I would definitely hold out for a cool morph. I have nothing against normals, and I do actually like the normal bulls and all their variations, but if you got the normal you'd probably also end up getting a morph later on down the road anyway, since you're so attracted to them. Of course, if you don't have any reason to limit the size of your collection then I guess that wouldn't matter
If you don't see any at the expo, you could always talk to an importer such as Port Credit Pets to see if they can bring some in for you.