Originally Posted by CrotalusR#1
I personally fine racks and crotalids a nasty combination. Maybe one way to use tubs as a way of quarantining would be to only have a certain amount in there at one time, aqcuire them at the same time and treat them all at once. There could be problems with that, it's just an idea. I quarantine in a separate room so I don't have to deal with these potental problems.
I recently completed construction of a dedicated snake room so the quarantine is actually taking place in a separate room from my primary collection. For now I'll be quarantining my CB purchased at shows in my BR in individual inclusures. Not ideal I know but live alone and don't consider it a huge safety risk for the time being. There's a show every two months so provided everythings well I'm able to move them into my dedicated room and open up my quarantine encolsures for the next. Works out nicely.
This tub system is strictly for my potential WC (provided I'm successful in my endeavor and locate what I'm looking for); and will probably never be used again. This will be set up in yet another room (Spare BR). With that you're statement above would hold true. I'd be obtaining and treating all of them at one time. When this is all said and done the spare BR will become my primary quarantine area again.