St. Louis Reptile expo 2015
I was really excited to bring home my new albino ball python that I've been on the hunt for. Still haven't come up with a name for her yet. Honestly when I was carrying her around she looked like a slice of cheesecake. The expo had only been opened for an hour and it was packed, I didn't see very many albino bps but I can imagine they were going like hotcakes. The show didn't end till 3 but by the time I left at 12:30 tables were looking pretty empty. It's exciting to see the show grow but pushing through the tight packed crowd was a hassle. I'll put better pictures up later.
0.1 Rosy boa (Chili),1.0 Albino Sinaloan Milk (Sheldon),1.0 Fire Corn (Cheeto)