in december my female werners chameleon had a clutch of 12 babies, i sold them all except one, i kept him (he was the runt of the litter). and he was growing normally and everything (for a runt) but...since about a month ago, his foot has started to look funny, the ends where his toes are were small and looked smushed, but the rest of the leg is growing fine, and now the whole end of his foot is a big mess.....he cant use it at all and it looks as if its bleeding from one of the toes now, this didnt happen over one night i said it took about a month, i was thinking MBD but we give him plenty of UVB and calcium, i made sure of that, so then i though gangrene, but my iguana had that and when a piece falls off it is all black, his is normal colour, and bleeding in one spot
so he might of ripped off that toe, because it looked sort of dead, and i cant find the toe anywhere in his enclosure, so i dont know whats wrong with him or what to do!!!!
if anyone can help i'd really appreciate it so i can save this little guys foot (or maybe even life)