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Old 09-18-14, 11:52 AM   #1
Join Date: Aug-2014
Location: Eindhoven
Posts: 41
Enclosure and cleaning question

I'm going to buy a hatchling corn soon and I just got one of my last parts: the thermostat, in the mail.

I've got these parts:

Exo Terra Terrarium (60x45x45cm)
Komodo Advanced Heat Mat (410x274mm)
2x Exo Terra Digital Thermometer (One for the hot side and the other one for the cold side)
Habistat Pulse Proportional Thermostat 600W
Small hide
Medium Snake Cave
Water dish
Aspen bedding
Some silk foliage
(I'm probably also going to add a stick in it so the snake has some vertical moving space as well.)

I've been warming the small pile of bedding for a few hours and the temperatures are staying pretty consistent, about 24.0-24.2 on the cold side and about 28.8-29.0 degrees celsius on the warm side.
Am I missing or do I need to change anything in the viv?

I also have a bit of a question about cleaning. When I search for how I should clean my viv, I find loads of different methods; rinsing a bleach solution, with dish soap, with reptile disinfectant, with vinegar, etc. I did get some leftover "Wipe Out Terrarium Cleaner" he had laying around. though in the prescription it says that you cannot use it on ornaments, such as water bowls and hides. So, I'm wondering how to clean those then.

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Old 09-18-14, 01:29 PM   #2
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Re: Enclosure and cleaning question

Make sure youre taking readings and placing the thermostat under the bedding. Your snake will burrow, so if you're measuring temps on the top of the aspen and it says 90, it could be 110+ under the bedding where your heatmat is.

I'm not big into cleaning. I spot clean when they crap. I replace bedding every 4 months or so. Dont let bedding get damp. Put your bowls and hides in the dishwasher to clean.
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Old 09-19-14, 02:19 AM   #3
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Re: Enclosure and cleaning question

Why just bedding on one side? Corns are burrowing snakes, give it 2-3 inches of substrate throughout the WHOLE tank and it will be a much happier snake.
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Old 09-19-14, 05:27 AM   #4
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Re: Enclosure and cleaning question

Originally Posted by Lankyrob View Post
Why just bedding on one side? Corns are burrowing snakes, give it 2-3 inches of substrate throughout the WHOLE tank and it will be a much happier snake.
I won't be getting my snake for about a month and the viv hasn't been cleaned yet. I just put the pile there to test of the thermostat was working correctly. Of course before I get my snake, I will be filling it up completely.
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Old 09-19-14, 08:13 AM   #5
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Re: Enclosure and cleaning question

When it comes to cleaning I'm a tree hugging hippie and try to avoid harsher chemicals. I use hot water and vinegar to clean...well, most everything, including the snake enclosures. Running through the dishwasher certainly works for a lot of things, but I'll also just do a sink soak, especially for things like fake plants. My garter loves...loves to poop on her plants.
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