help! multiple problems
My amazon tree boa has been having problems since I got her. I've had her for about a month and a half or two months now and she has had all of her shed except her head stuck on her for the last 2 weeks. She's ate twice and regurgitated both times. This is my third snake and the other two I've never had much of a problem at all with. I've never had any regurgitations and their sheds are usually good. This is my first somewhat more advanced snake. I keep her hot spot at about 85-88F and her cool end stays around the low 70's. Her humidity usually is between 60-90%. I've soaked her but it didn't help with the shed at all, but I'm going to try a damp pillow case and washcloth today. It just really makes me nervous, because like I said this is my first non begginer snake and the first time I've ever had much of a problem with any of my snakes. It's nerve wrecking to be honest. Any advice would be appriciated. Oh and also she is kept in a 106QT. Tub with cypress mulch and a rhp for heat. She has a hide on the warm side and multiple crossing perches on the warm and cool ends with plenty of foliage. Thanks.
5.2 corns, 1.0 BCI, 2.2 ATB, 2.2 gray banded kings, 1.1 Western hoggies