Whoops, sorry. Yeah, she's a little corn snake. My first one! She did come out and is currently up on the vines, hiding (she likes to hide in the vines more than her 3 hidey holes I've provided her - anyone have any idea as to why?).
How long does it typically take for them to be comfortable with you? I've only had her for three days, and she's hiding from me whenever I'm around. However, last night, she was watching me, sticking her neck up and being overly curious, and I just let her do that until she got bored and crawled away. Trying to let her know I'm not interested in eating her, lol.
But today it seems she's back to being scared. I feel kinda bad, I can't imagine how scared she must be.

Is there anything I can do to make her feel more secure? The breeder recommended I didn't feed for a week, and didn't handle until after she digested (2 days).
So is there anything I can do for this cutie?
~ Liz