So...a new chapter begins today for me...most of you guys know that professionally, I am an ER physician. However, in 2006 I opened up an urgent care/minor emergency center in my home town. Mostly because I'm getting too old to keep working night shifts and I'm getting too grouchy to deal with the drug seekers and those that call ambulances for a sprained ankle (seriously)...
Anyway, the urgent care became my primary gig and I worked part time in the ED from 2006 onward. We grew and became the top minor emergency center in the community.
Fast forward to health care legislation, dealing with insurance companies, medicare, etc... and just being tired not being able to go on vacation without my phone blowing up answering questions from who's scheduled for what day to where are certain supplies...anyway....Yesterday I signed documents completing the sale of my clinic!!!! So I am now a free agent
Very, very relieved and glad we were able to do this. Today I showed up for work (I told the new company who bought us that I would work for them at least through the transition) feeling like I could actually just see patients and treat them and not have to worry about all of the other little minutia crap. It was something I haven't felt in a long time. I had a blast at work today...I guess I'll see where this goes...maybe I'll have more time to take my kids herping