Re: Emperor scorpion tips
I had a male and female I kept a few years ago, and here are some things that I learned:
As far as humidity is concerned, I put an inch layer of aquarium gravel down with a pvc pipe in the corner. I then put a mesh layer over the rocks, and about another 1.5 inch's of coco fiber down. Then, using the pvc pipe, fill water up to the top of the gravel. Refill about ever 4 days or so. Keeps humidity at about 75% without even trying.
Tons of hides... Like 2 per scorpion
Attach the heat-pad on the back of the enclosure, not the bottom. All the way on one side. But, if your ambient air temps in the room are in the mid to upper 80's F, then it should be fine.
I never had a uvb bulb on mine, so I am not sure if they require it. Everywhere I read said it was not required.
Keep Low. Move Fast. Kill First. Die Last. One Shot. One Kill. - Educated keeper forever evolving.