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Old 04-19-14, 08:47 AM   #1
Join Date: Feb-2014
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very bad shed.

I got her back in February, from a guy who didn't care for her well.. to say the least.
I noticed maybe a week after having her(gave her a week to settle in so I was keeping my distance) she had almost a wheeze. First i thought maybe some dirt in her nose since temp and humidity were good. I waited for a shed and no luck, it was at this point I noticed she had trouble with her face shedding. I didnt really think much of it. So now i assumed a respitory infection. I went through everything before the vets. But i finally broke down. The doctor said she has months of stuck in shed around the end of her face. Which i admit was dull but i didnt take notice. He said were looking at atleast six months worth which are making her her nostrils significantly smaller and within the last two sheda its been moving up her face. I cant peel it, cause theres nothing to hold onto and soaking her wont help since she doesnt stick her face under. He told me to use glycerin to try and pull it up.. but I haven't seen a difference. I really need someone who knows what theyre doing.. im starting to lose hope.. please help me..
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Old 04-19-14, 08:57 AM   #2
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Re: very bad shed.

That's going to be tough because you have to wet it for it to lose up, secondly your going to have to restrain the snake for a long period of time while you pick at it. Honestly I see this as a vet procedure in knocking the snake out and slowly going it and taking it all off, it shouldn't take a vet long to do it since the snake will be still and wouldn't think it would cost to much.
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Old 04-19-14, 10:51 AM   #3
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Re: very bad shed.

I would personally put the animal in a plastic box, with damp very rough towels. Make sure there are a few ventilation holes in it, and that it doesn't get too cold (put a heatmat/cable under it if you have to). The humidity will get really high, and the snake will attempt to escape the little box and the rough towels will help scrape off the old skin. This worked for a baby boa i rescued that had 3 complete (whole body) sheds on its body. I also helped her by letting her crawl through scrub gloves (you know those rough gloves to wash yourself with) it took 3 times but it all came off.
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Old 04-21-14, 01:56 PM   #4
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Re: very bad shed.

Don't lose hope -- this can be fixed.

Definitely raise the humidity (95%+) and offer more furniture to help with shedding: a moist moss-packed hide if you don't already have one, and several rocks for her to scrape against. Start giving her soaking sessions twice a week, and add something like wet newspaper to the tub for her to rub against. The idea is for her to loosen the retained shed and work it off over time. Let her crawl through a moist towel in your hands after each soak (apply gentle pressure) to try and work it off even more.

If this still does work by the time she sheds again, you may have to recruit a vet to help.

Good luck!
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Old 04-21-14, 03:02 PM   #5
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Re: very bad shed.

Couple questions.
1) What are your temps?
2) What is your actual humidity?
3) What type of setup are you using, front opening snake tank or screen lid aquarium?
4) What do you use for a heat source?
Saying heat is fine but having humidity be so far off suggests to me you might need one of us to tell you if your setup and temps are ok.
Do what snakesitter said to start. Post the info I asked for and we can go from there.
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