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Old 03-10-14, 07:05 AM   #1
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Want to go Bio for Taiwan Beauty

I would like to build an enclosure for a taiwan beauty.
I started by just wanting a natural looking environment for him/her (don't have the snake quite yet), but the more I look into it, the more I like the idea of using bioactive substrate.
I will have LOTS of questions, but I'll start with just a couple. I will obviously need lighting for the plants, but lighting for heat will be impractical for the setup I have in mind.
I want to use flexwatt, but from what I've been reading it will be a problem getting the heat through the drainage layer. Would there be any problem building the heated area without a drainage layer?

Also, when obtaining plants, dirt, leaf litter, plants, wood, etc, how do I keep from introducing parasites?
Thanks everyone.
1.0 Rat terrier/toy for terrier mix- LOUIS, 1.0 whitesided eastern rat- George, 1.0 NJ pine barrens northern pine- Chingachgook, 0.1 Taiwan Beauty- Mei-ling, 0.1 Yellow Texas Bull- Norma Jean, 3.0 "normal" corns Fettuccine and Jager, Higgins
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Old 03-10-14, 07:37 AM   #2
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Re: Want to go Bio for Taiwan Beauty

Originally Posted by poomwah View Post
I would like to build an enclosure for a taiwan beauty.
I started by just wanting a natural looking environment for him/her (don't have the snake quite yet), but the more I look into it, the more I like the idea of using bioactive substrate.
I will have LOTS of questions, but I'll start with just a couple. I will obviously need lighting for the plants, but lighting for heat will be impractical for the setup I have in mind.
I want to use flexwatt, but from what I've been reading it will be a problem getting the heat through the drainage layer. Would there be any problem building the heated area without a drainage layer?

Also, when obtaining plants, dirt, leaf litter, plants, wood, etc, how do I keep from introducing parasites?
Thanks everyone.
Reptile parasites generally don't just hang out in wood or on rocks, so you've likely got a better chance of being hit by lightning while collecting than you do introducing parasites that way.

As for the heating and lighting, it'll depend on the measurements of your enclosure. You don't want to use flex watt or any other under tank heating. Your substrate will be too thick for that to be useful and you'll end up cooking your soil. Better to use a radiant heat panel, or better yet some form of light if that's possible. Even if not used for heating, there are many low profile lighting options like fluorescents and LEDs that can fit any enclosure
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Old 03-10-14, 07:42 AM   #3
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Re: Want to go Bio for Taiwan Beauty

Your posting multiple threads about the same thing. Keep it all in one then all of the advice is in one thread.
Lots of info on bioactive substrates here. Try the search function.
Two schools of thought are 1) sterilization before use and 2) invite all the little things in the soil to stay and do their thing.
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Old 03-10-14, 08:46 AM   #4
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Re: Want to go Bio for Taiwan Beauty

thanks for the reassurance and the advice Jarich.
Sorry about the two posts terra, the first one was before I had started thinking heavily about bio. It was specifically about natural LOOKING .
That's why I posted this one, so I could get more info about a bioactive setup specifically for a Taiwan.
1.0 Rat terrier/toy for terrier mix- LOUIS, 1.0 whitesided eastern rat- George, 1.0 NJ pine barrens northern pine- Chingachgook, 0.1 Taiwan Beauty- Mei-ling, 0.1 Yellow Texas Bull- Norma Jean, 3.0 "normal" corns Fettuccine and Jager, Higgins
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Old 03-10-14, 09:44 AM   #5
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Re: Want to go Bio for Taiwan Beauty

I don't see why you'd want to complicate a caging setup more than necessary. A nice cypress mulch bedding is all you need. You could use bioactive I suppose, but I don't see why you'd want to go to that much effort when it's far simpler and probably better for the snake to just use a thick natural-looking bedding like Keeper's Choice and include lots of decorations.....
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Old 03-10-14, 09:58 AM   #6
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Re: Want to go Bio for Taiwan Beauty

Originally Posted by Will0W783 View Post
I don't see why you'd want to complicate a caging setup more than necessary. A nice cypress mulch bedding is all you need. You could use bioactive I suppose, but I don't see why you'd want to go to that much effort when it's far simpler and probably better for the snake to just use a thick natural-looking bedding like Keeper's Choice and include lots of decorations.....
Having both styles of set up, I'd disagree with you on both assessments. The bioactive substrate is both easier and better for the snake when looked after properly.
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Old 03-10-14, 07:50 PM   #7
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Re: Want to go Bio for Taiwan Beauty

I can obviously get sand and soil at any home improvement place or any nursery. But I was wondering what you guys thought of this. We live in the middle of a bunch of farmers fields, so I'm sure the ground in the yard as well as in the woods about 1/8 mile behind us (also surrounded by farmers fields) are normally full of pesticides and fertilizers. However, with all the snow we've had this year, and all the rain we will surely get by the time I can actually get back there , do you think it would safe as long as I get it before anything gets sprayed this year? Or would it most likely still have those contaminants in it? I don't know of any other sources for leaf litter anywhere even close
1.0 Rat terrier/toy for terrier mix- LOUIS, 1.0 whitesided eastern rat- George, 1.0 NJ pine barrens northern pine- Chingachgook, 0.1 Taiwan Beauty- Mei-ling, 0.1 Yellow Texas Bull- Norma Jean, 3.0 "normal" corns Fettuccine and Jager, Higgins
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Old 03-10-14, 08:02 PM   #8
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Re: Want to go Bio for Taiwan Beauty

Can you drain soil of pesticides and fertilizers?(ie. wrap it in a cloth bag and let it run in water for a day or two)
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Old 03-10-14, 08:33 PM   #9
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Re: Want to go Bio for Taiwan Beauty

that's what I'm wondering or if its something that once its in there, its in there
I'm also concerned about run off into the wooded area, but I'm guessing that for the leaf litter as long as it has insects in it, it should't have pesticides in it, sound reasonable?
That is, if there are any insects in it after how cold its been this winter
1.0 Rat terrier/toy for terrier mix- LOUIS, 1.0 whitesided eastern rat- George, 1.0 NJ pine barrens northern pine- Chingachgook, 0.1 Taiwan Beauty- Mei-ling, 0.1 Yellow Texas Bull- Norma Jean, 3.0 "normal" corns Fettuccine and Jager, Higgins
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Old 03-10-14, 08:52 PM   #10
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Re: Want to go Bio for Taiwan Beauty

The nitrogen from the fertilizer will get held by organic matter and clay, but aside from that, I doubt the fertilizer would present much of a problem. If fertilizer were that bad, if would kill all of the critters in your garden. I think it's the pesticides you really have to watch out for.

Either way, you're probably better safe than sorry.
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Old 03-10-14, 09:13 PM   #11
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Re: Want to go Bio for Taiwan Beauty

Top soil is about $3 a bag, as is sand. It's not worth the risk if you aren't sure.
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Old 03-10-14, 09:53 PM   #12
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Re: Want to go Bio for Taiwan Beauty

thanks guys, I'll definitely take the safe route and buy the sand and soil.
Think the leaf litter will be an issue? maybe find some from higher ground than the farmers fields
1.0 Rat terrier/toy for terrier mix- LOUIS, 1.0 whitesided eastern rat- George, 1.0 NJ pine barrens northern pine- Chingachgook, 0.1 Taiwan Beauty- Mei-ling, 0.1 Yellow Texas Bull- Norma Jean, 3.0 "normal" corns Fettuccine and Jager, Higgins
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Old 03-11-14, 06:03 AM   #13
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Re: Want to go Bio for Taiwan Beauty

another question. I have noticed some people use a drainage layer with an actual drain hole in the bottom of the viv. However I've also read about people that have a tube that goes down to the bottom so they can put water in to saturate the bottom level of substrate.
What are your thoughts on this?
1.0 Rat terrier/toy for terrier mix- LOUIS, 1.0 whitesided eastern rat- George, 1.0 NJ pine barrens northern pine- Chingachgook, 0.1 Taiwan Beauty- Mei-ling, 0.1 Yellow Texas Bull- Norma Jean, 3.0 "normal" corns Fettuccine and Jager, Higgins
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Old 03-11-14, 06:54 AM   #14
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Re: Want to go Bio for Taiwan Beauty

The tube is not so you can saturate the bottom, it's so you can draw water out of the drainage. The hole is the same thing obviously. Either are unnecessary if you're careful with how you water
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Old 03-11-14, 07:15 AM   #15
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Re: Want to go Bio for Taiwan Beauty

thanks Jarich. The tube as a vent makes sense. Someone on cornsnakes did a big right up on bio active substrate and they actually had a tube with a funnel on it for putting water IN the bottom, seemed kinda backwards to me.
So... unvented drainage level and careful on watering----Check!
How would something like this work for heating.
1.0 Rat terrier/toy for terrier mix- LOUIS, 1.0 whitesided eastern rat- George, 1.0 NJ pine barrens northern pine- Chingachgook, 0.1 Taiwan Beauty- Mei-ling, 0.1 Yellow Texas Bull- Norma Jean, 3.0 "normal" corns Fettuccine and Jager, Higgins
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