I hit the ground running with my website. I was new to this whole thing, but my passion for snakes forced me to create this as a New Year's resolution and I have learned so much along the way. I think it looks good, but I've also got my blinders on and could be totally unusable from other peoples perspective.
So, if you have genuine feedback, I'd love to hear it. Everything from "your site sucks and your colors are stupid" to "Navigation is a bit difficult and confusing, maybe if you..." or "Best site ever!"
I plan on keeping this thing going for as long as I can. As mentioned in my introduction post, My goal is to
educate the ignorant on all snake-owning related topics. Found that G+ post this morning and I started white-knuckling my computer mouse.
I know there's a lot of content that I need to add to existing pages and a ton more pages that I have drafted that aren't public yet. LOL, there's only so much time in the day and I've been dedicating about 18 hours a day to this site for the past 3 weeks.
Without any further adieu, I present you with my website,
Pet Boa Constrictors.
And thanks again for letting me become a part of this community. I've already found a ton of wonderful people that are here to help
Edit: BTW, the page, that was commenting on the G+ post above, (
Pet Boas) is also mine. Feel free to follow if you'd like.